Письмо как средство контроля

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Фрагмент урока №2.

Класс: 6.

Тема: «Hobby»

Цели: - развивать навыки письма, восприятия иноязычной речи на слух.



Деят-ть уч-ся

Основной этап 25 минут

Have you ever written letters? Do you like to write letters? What is your hobby? But now I want you to write a letter to your friend about your hobby. You can do it with the help of the expressions which you can see on the blackboard: I was busy, everything is good, in your last letter, your hobby is . . Also on your tables you can see a form of letter which you are to fill in.

I don`t like to write letters. But very seldom I can write a letter to my granny. My hobby is reading. I like to read very much.

Методическая разработка №1.

Класс: 6

Цель: - развивать внимание и память у учащихся, умение выделять главное от второстепенного.

Переписать текст, исключая из предложений второстепенные слова.

The Keys.

Last summer we went to visit my granny. She has got a nice, little house in the country. It is very comfortable. There is a living-room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom, a hall and a toilet in it. There are many different flowers in front of the house. We like to visit our granny, but we don`t often go there, as we are very busy.

That summer day my granny was out but we had the keys with us. I wanted to have a nice day in the country. We, my little brother John and I, went to the country by car. When we came, John shouted, “I want to watch TV”.

I opened the door, put my bag on a little table in the hall and went out to take the food out of the car. At this moment my favourite dog Rex closed the door and I didn`t know what to do. John was in the house. The front door was locked as well as the back door. The windows were closed and I couldn`t get in as the keys were in my bag which was in the hall. I shouted:”John, come here! Open the door!”

John couldn`t do it because he was only five. “OK, John, then give me the keys through the letter-box.

He did, but they were the car keys and not the house keys.

“John”, I shouted, “They are not the house keys, the car keys. Give me the house keys, please”.

John heard and took the house keys out of the bag. He gave them to me through the letter-box. Then I could open the door. I thanked my brother, gave him the keys and went to the car to take the food. While I was at the car John locked the door and got the keys into the house through the letter-box.

Данное задание выполнялось на уроке в течение 20 минут.

Методическая разработка №2.

Тема: «My country»

Класс: 6

Цели: - развивать орфографические навыки.

Озаглавить абзацы текста и записать их в тетради.

Russia is my country. It`s the biggest country in the world. Russia is situated on the two continents: Europe and Asia. Russia is a very rich country. There are many mountains, rivers, lakes and forests in the country, some of which are very beautiful.

America is a very friendly country with very friendly people.in small American towns you hear “hello” to friends and also to people who has just arrived. People easily start to talk with each other. Often, people you have just met begin to ask you personal questions or start to tell all about themselves.

I have a friend called Edward. We becomefriends last summer when we spent our holidays together at the seaside. It was a fantastic time! We lived on a small island.

Методическая разработка №3.

Класс: 6

Тема: «Обобщение ранее изученного лексического материала»

Цели: - развивать память, мышление, навыки письменной речи.

Вставьте пропущенные буквы в словах.

Al .ays, bat .room, co .fort .ble, .istory, inte .esting, af .ernoon, ex .ellent, dif .erent, .amburger, hob .y, wit .out, someti .es, su .ermarket, T .ursday.

Методическая разработка №4.

Класс: 6

Тема: «Present Perfect»

Цели: - развивать умения отличать Present Perfect от Past Simple.

Оборудование: карточки с вопросами.

Ответьте в письменной форме на вопросы.

1). Have you ever made a fruit salad?

2). Have you ever run fast? When and why did you do it?

3). Have you ever sung sad songs? When did you sing them last?

4). Have you ever sent letters to other countries? To whom did you send them?

5). Have you ever put on your parents` clothes?

6). Have you ever shaken people by the shoulder?

Страницы: 1 2 3 4

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